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Available courses

Relapse Prevention

Course categoryMIOP Client Modules

The Relapse Prevention (RP) group is a central component of the Matrix IOP method. The RP group is based on the following premises: 1. Relapse is not a random event. 2. The process of relapse follow...

Early Recovery Skills

Course categoryMIOP Client Modules

The ERS group teaches clients an essential set of skills for establishing abstinence from drugs and alcohol. Two fundamental messages are delivered to clients in these sessions: 1. You can change yo...

Matrix Intensive Outpatient Treatment for People With Stimulant Use Disorders

Course categoryMIOP Counselor Modules

This manual contains materials, such as talking points and handouts, to help counselors conduct intensive outpatient treatment sessions. The manual discusses five types of sessions for treating adults...

Science of Addiction

Course categoryMIOP Counselor Modules

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The 8 DImensions of Recovery Capital

Course categorySustained Recovery Management

Recovery capital can be used as a tool for drug dependence treatment professionals practitioners, to identify the strengths of their clients, support them in building up and maintaining a sustainable ...